Want to know how to save money on groceries? You can actually order your groceries online through Amazon Prime Pantry and save a ton of money. And your order will ship free! This video will give you 5 Tips on “How to Use Amazon Prime Pantry to Save Money on Groceries”. ↓↓↓↓ CLICK SHOW MORE ↓↓↓↓ You’re gonna love how much time (and money) it saves you!
As promised in the video, here are the direct links to get you started:
Amazon Prime Pantry eCoupon Page: http://Freebies2Deals.com/PrimePantryCoupons
Grab your FREE 30-Day Trial of Amazon Prime here:
And for those of you who were intrigued by all of the free samples our family gets, you can find the most recent ones over on my website here: http://freebies2deals.com/category/free-samples
For written step-by-step instructions on How Amazon Prime Pantry Works, you can read my full post over here: http://freebies2deals.com/2015/03/how-amazon-prime-pantry-works-can-you-really-get-better-grocery-deals-online-shipped-right-to-your-home.html
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel HERE: http://www.youtube.com/user/Freebies2Deals?sub_confirmation=1 That way, you won’t miss my next money-saving video!
For more deals & money-saving tips and tricks, visit my full site at http://www.Freebies2Deals.com
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XO, Melea
Better prices than Costco even?
+Jennifer Ainge Yep! But like I said in the video, not everything in Amazon Prime Pantry is a great deal. Some definitely aren't. But if you watch prices and purchase the great deals, I've been able to snag "better than Costco" prices too on a few items. 🙂
I share a account with my mother. I'm not the main shipping address and credit card. Can I change those options?
+Courtney Durrant Hey Courtney, I think you might be able to. But you will have to log in with your mother's account and see if those options can be changed. And Amazon would know for sure. I wish I knew. But they keep changing things with how sharing Amazon Prime works! 🙂
+Freebies2Deals Thanks for the help!
How does this compare with Boxed.com and using Ebates?
+Debbie Taylor Boxed is another great one! Same types of rules apply, such as making sure you only purchase items when the prices are right. Some of the items on Boxed are too expensive and some are at stock up prices. And their prices change regularly.
Ebates is great for people who want to get cash back. I don't use them a ton personally. But I have a lot of readers who use them religiously.
Hope that helps! 🙂
STUDENT DISCOUNT for AMAZON PRIME. I've been using the student dicount for about three years now. I'm still attending college. It's great! It's about 40-50% off the regular price of the Amazon Prime membership, (anual fee). I have a Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue page. https://www.facebook.com/AchesPainsAndTired/?fref=ts
I was so excited, after seeing your video to start the pantry, but I tried to sign up and it's not available for us in Hawaii. Sad face…
Ahh i wish we had that here in the UK! 😀 Paula
We do!
I've not seen amazon prime pantry in the uk?
+The Buchanan Family http://www.amazon.co.uk/b?ie=UTF8&node=5782660031. If not, I wonder who delivered my box of noodles, Irn Bru, and beer?
+Liam Abrahams Fantastic, although it's quite new so obviously that's why i didn't know about it. Thank you so much for the link Liam!
Wow! Great info in few minutes. Thanks for the tips!
Thank you.
Does Amazon also accept coupons from the paper? Some people say yes, others say no.
+Jennifer White-Diehm No, they do not. But they have their own clippable ecoupons all of the time on their site. You can even search "Amazon Coupons" when you are on Amazon and there is a full section for them!
+The Melea Show Thank you very much!
Another interesting things I learned about Prime. I have been a Prime member for years. My parents have a summer home at a local lake (Bear Lake). We are on the less populated side and don't have a mail box. Amazon will ship 2 day prime to my parents cabin. I can just add a second mailing address for myself. (The local store is 45 minutes away, and there are times where I will go and stay for a couple weeks. Life saver. It has been an awesome deal. I can have bigger items just shipped straight up there instead of trying to get it there in my car on my own. Love It!
+Angie H Such a time saver! Thanks for sharing that tip Angie!
Please do a free sample box video. Btw I love all ur videos they r always so helpful!! ð
Do you have a list of staple items that you buy on Amazon Prime Pantry vs. Costco with the Costco coupons? It is overwhelming getting started trying to find out the best deal and when to buy ect…
so if my pantry box just at 40 percent of filling they still gonna shipped that 45 pound box with that little amount of items ?
They will ship it in a smaller box that fits the items. But they will charge you $5.99–whether you fill the whole 45 pound box or not–unless you have the shipping free with one of the offers I talked about.
skip to 1:05 for content
should I buy items that are required to be refrigerated from Amazon pantry? or should I go to the store to get refrigerated things?
Amazon Pantry won't let you order things that need to be refrigerated. So you should be good!
Thank you much!
You're welcome!
OMG, loving your channel. I came over from Darrel's channel and I subbed. You are amazing!
How does it get delivered by ups or mail man ?
woww what a great tips. thank you meleaaa ð
why do you sell so hard to your subscribers. I mean its clear your benefiting from your link, then you push push them to join- because its so great. blah. ease back.
Thanks so much for the info!
I think overall Walmart has the best prices. You have to be careful what you get on Amazon.
You are super high-energy, and have such an infectious, bright, shiny, attitude!! Your willingness to share these newer techniques is so refreshing as, yes, couponing has changed dramatically recently. Thanks for what you're doing!
a wife like you is not cheap
entry plz
Amazon Pantry is not cheaper than the grocery stores near me.
thank you so much for explaining the amazon panty.
I know this is an older video, but it is still very valid and I'm super happy you made it. I do want to throw in my two cents: Amazon has since made it possible to get Amazon prime for a monthly price of $10 if you can't do the all in one price of $99. Hope that's helpful to someone!
Christy Matthews thank you!!!:)
I so need to learn more about this…and start using it! I'm a prime member but didn't know about this!
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